Labels:bag | book | box | bulletin board | cabinet | colour supplement | plaything | poster | shelf | tribute album | windowpane OCR: SPIRIT CVOL UTIOn Kanbara Takuya Selyuu: Takeuchi Junko Elerment: Flame Human-Type Hybrid: Agnimon Type Hybrid: Vritrarmon Advance-T lype Hyurid Ardhamon Ultimate- Type Hybrid: NSPI yeymon This cheertul energetic Sth ace hasaskong justice He's ver Lathletic. u is amemt oNthe soccer club. He's hat booded and Yends to aci belgfe he thinks and because 61 that Loften hax contlicts wih.his trienr THe gets Oigta World myste emal ent on tel phone ANIMEWALLPAR ERS.COm uitimate FX@aol com EVOLUTIGn Seiyuu Flarme Beast rype Vritr ANIMCWAL LPAPERS